Jenkins And Its Use Cases…

Jenkins is an open-source server that is written entirely in Java. It lets you execute a series of actions to achieve the continuous integration process, that too in an automated fashion.
This CI server runs in servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat. Jenkins facilitates continuous integration and continuous delivery in software projects by automating parts related to build, test, and deployment. This makes it easy for developers to continuously work on the betterment of the product by integrating changes to the project.

Jenkins. Jenkins is the go-to DevOps automation tool for many software development teams. It’s an open source CI/CD server that allows you to automate the different stages of your delivery pipeline. … Currently, it offers more than 1,000 plugins, so it integrates with almost all DevOps tools,
Jenkins automates the software builds in a continuous manner and lets the developers know about the errors at an early stage.Salient Features Of Jenkins
Jenkins is more functionality-driven rather than UI-driven hence, there is a learning curve involved in getting to know what is Jenkins. Here are the powerful developer-centric features offered by Jenkins:
1. Easy Installation & Configuration
Jenkins is a self-contained Java program that is agnostic of the platform on which it is installed. It is available for almost all the popular operating systems such as Windows, different flavors of Unix, and Mac OS.
It is available as a normal installer, as well as a .war file. Once installed, it is easy to configure using its web interface.
2. Open-Source
As it is open-source, it is free for use. There is a strong involvement of the community which makes it a powerful CI/CD tool. You can take support from the Jenkins community, whether it is for extensibility, support, documentation, or any other feature related to Jenkins.
3. Thriving Plugin Ecosystem
The backbone of Jenkins is the community and the community members have been instrumental in the development (and testing) of close to 1500+ plugins available in the Update Center.
4. Easy Distribution
Jenkins is designed in such a manner that makes it relatively easy to distribute work across multiple machines and platforms for accelerated build, testing, and deployment.
Why is CI/CD important?

CI/CD allows organizations to ship software quickly and efficiently. CI/CD facilitates an effective process for getting products to market faster than ever before, continuously delivering code into production, and ensuring an ongoing flow of new features and bug fixes via the most efficient delivery method.
In short, CI is a set of practices performed as developers are writing code, and CD is a set of practices performed after the code is completed.

Why should you use Jenkins pipeline?

Jenkins automates that software development process through its continuous integration capabilities. You can use different use cases to create a number of automation jobs and then use Jenkins pipeline to run all of them. Listed below are a few reasons for using Jenkins pipeline:

- As it is implemented in the form of a code, Jenkins pipeline can have a number of users who can edit and execute the process.
- It supports projects that are larger in size than usual. Running multiple projects at a time or using pipelines in a loop are all possible.
- They are robust. You don’t have to worry if your server restarts under unforeseen circumstances. Jenkins pipeline would resume automatically.
- The pipeline process can be paused and not resumed until you receive user input.
Uses of Jenkins

1. Jenkins lowers the Effort of repeated coding
2. Integration of Individual Jobs
3. Synchronization with Slack
4. Effortless Auditing
5. Greater data support for project management
6. Manual Tests option
7. Increased Code Coverage
8. Code deployment to Production
9. Avoid Broken Code during shipping
10. Decrease Code Review Time
Uses of Jenkins can save a lot of time for developers, improves code quality and coverage and provide management great control over software development. Thus, It is very well appreciated and a lot of companies uses it on a daily basis. It’s a great tool to learn for upcoming software developers too.
Companies reportedly use Jenkins
In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server
- Facebook.
- Netflix.
- Udemy.
- Instacart.
- Robinhood.
- Twitch.
- Lyft.
- Delivery Hero.
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