Create a Setup so that you can ping Google but not able to ping Facebook from same system..

I am performing this task on RHEL8.
Step 1- check the routing table rules. may be you dont know what is routing table?
Routing table —
A routing table is a set of rules, often viewed in table format, that is used to determine where data packets traveling over an Internet Protocol (IP) network will be directed. All IP-enabled devices, including Routers and Switches use routing tables.
Check the available rules by using ‘route –n’ command

This provides us rules to ping any IP or network over internet.
Step 2 -Check the network name for Google and Facebook. We have to use ‘nslookup domain_name’ command to check network information.

I got the IP of the google

now IP of Facebook is
Step 3- Now check whether the IPs are pinging or not with Google and Facebook To check this connection use- ping ip..
pinging to google IP.

pinging to Facebook IP.

Step 4 — Now we have to remove this rule as we don’t want to ping with Facebook, to remove it use command ‘route del –net’

Now, we can see that has been removed.
Step 5- Now again check that we are able to ping to google ip and facebook ip or Not.???

oops.. we are not able to ping any..
Step 6- But according to our task we want to ping google ip so we will add a rules in routing table.

Step 7- Now again ping to google and facebook IP.

we can check from web UI also..

here we can see that we are able to ping google but not with facebook ip..
Task Successfully Completed..
Thanks for reading..